Detox Smoothie

PREP TIME: 10 minutes

TOTAL TIME: 20 minutes



This quick and easy Detox Smoothie recipe uses ingredients found at your local grocery store. Smoothies are pretty hard to mess up, so feel free to add your own fruits and vegetables and experiment with different flavors.

Ingredients for Detox Smoothie (and Why)

  • Granny Smith Apple: Pectin is a soluble fiber in apples that helps sweep the colon for digestive health. Apple pectin lowers the body’s demand for insulin, keeping apples’ glycemic index low. Many of the nutrients and fiber in apples are concentrated in the skin, so include the peels!

  • Pineapple: Bromelain, the protein-digesting enzyme in pineapple, bolsters the power of its vitamin C content to help clear respiratory congestion, suppress coughs, loosen mucus, flush out toxins, reduce swelling and bloating, and stimulate circulation for a deep-dive detox. Use pineapple fresh or frozen.

  • Lemon juice and zest: Low in sugar and full of nutrients, lemons are detox divas. Lemons are amped up with antioxidant vitamin C, antibiotic phytonutrients, and B vitamins. The citric acid in lemons aids digestion while ascorbic acid fights free radicals. Lemon peels are particularly rich in antioxidants, so throw some zest into your shakes for an additional "booster" of nutrition and flavor.

  • Spinach: Loaded with iron and other minerals, vitamins, omega-3 fatty acids, magnesium, protein, antioxidants, fiber, and anti-inflammatory power, this leafy legend is an immunity boosting cleansing champion. With a mild taste that’s easily masked by fruits and vegetables, spinach is my top choice for introductory green smoothies. You can add 1 to 2 cups into any blend without really changing the flavor.

  • Coconut Water: After plain filtered water, coconut water is my go-to liquid for smoothies. Low in calories and carbohydrates, and almost completely fat free, coconut water pairs well with most fruits and veggies. It's also a natural energy drink that’s rich in electrolytes that keep you hydrated.

  • Ginger: It cannot be denied that ginger has been used for decades now, primarily for its medicinal properties and the many health benefits that it has to offer. Ginger is among the healthiest spices on this planet, and the best part is… it is available in most kitchens or grocers. You may have come across many different recipes calling for ginger, but have you ever been left wondering why they use it? It is a key ingredient because of the flavor and benefits and the fact that it is readily available most places. Ginger has been used for many decades for a variety of reasons, but here are some of the highlights:

    • It can help with arthritis.

    • It can help reduce the risk of diabetes.

    • It can help prevent cancer.

    • It is renowned for helping combat nausea and vomiting.

    • It has anti-aging properties

    • And most importantly, it’s a great tool for fighting inflammation.

  • Celery: Whole stalks of celery packs tons of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin K, vitamin A, potassium, and folate. Celery is also a shield for your kidneys and liver, thanks to its high vitamin C, B, A and iron content. Its diuretic properties help flush toxins from the body.


  • 8oz Coconut Water

  • 8oz Pineapple

  • 1 Granny Smith Apple (cored)

  • 2 Celery Stalks

  • 1 Lime (juice only)

  • 1/2 Cucumber

  • 2 C Baby Spinach

  • 1 tsp Freshly Grated Ginger


  1. Add ingredients to the blender: Add all of your ingredients to a high powered blender in order from softest to firmest. Feel free to add ice to enjoy a frosted smoothie.

  2. Blend: Blend, blend, blend until smooth, stopping to stir if needed.

  3. Adjust as needed: Check the flavor and texture, adjust as desired.

  4. Serve immediately and enjoy! Store leftovers in the refrigerator in an air tight container. Enjoy within 24 hours.


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